

World leader in higher education for aerospace engineering, ISAE-SUPAERO offers a unique range of training at the highest level: ISAE-SUPAERO engineer, CNAM-ISAE apprenticeship engineer, master   Aerospace Engineering   In English, 5 research-oriented masters, 15 specialized masters, 6 doctoral schools.

ISAE-SUPAERO brings together more than 100 permanent professors and researchers and 1700 students and doctoral students, and relies on 1800 professional professors from the professional world. It shares its campus with the ONERA center of Toulouse. More than 30% of its 650 annual graduates are foreigners. Its network of alumni has more than 21   500 alumni on all continents.
It develops a research policy focused on the future needs of the aerospace or high-tech industries with whom it has set up more than ten teaching and research chairs.

Internationally, ISAE-SUPAERO cooperates with the best universities in the world (Caltech, Stanford, Georgia Tech, UC Berkeley, EPMontreal, TU Munich, TU Delft, …).


At the heart of the consortium associating aeronautical and aerospace industry players and academic actors, the Toulouse III Paul Sabatier University offers a wide variety of training courses in the field of aeronautics, space and embedded systems. The quality and diversity of this offer made to students of all levels (IUT, generalist licenses, professional licenses, masters, lifelong training) is based on the research activities carried out in the numerous laboratories, whose university Paul Sabatier is in tutelage with its partners, research organizations or other institutions of higher education and research of the toulouse site.

Although the quality of the formations largely explains the high level of recruitment of the young graduates of the University Paul Sabatier in industries on the regional and national scale, the variety of courses is also a wealth for the local ecosystem. The training offer is available on several levels, from a university degree in technology (Bac + 2) to a Master (Bac + 5)   :

Three IUT specialties are dedicated to the aeronautical sector (mechanic and pro- ductic, electrical and industrial informatics and physical measurements).
Ten professional licences are oriented towards the careers within the aviation, space and embedded systems,
Three general licenses lead to the field of aeronautical and space mechanics
Fifteen masters lead to aeronautical engineering (materials, conception, modeling), spatial engineering (instrumental technics, remote sensing, astrophysics), and elec tronic and embedded systems engineering (real-time, telecommunications, imaging), allowing young graduates to pursue engineering careers or research in academics institutions or industries, through doctoral studies.

These training courses are for the most part backed up by research carried out by the teams in laboratories belonging to various research clusters:

The UPEE cluster (Universe, planets, space and environment) with the IRAP laboratories ( Research institute of astrophysics and planetology), CESBIO (Center for space studies of the biosphere), LEGOS (Laboratory of geophysics and spatial oceanography studies), LA (Aerological laboratory ) and GET (Geosciences and Environment)

The MST2I cluster (Mathematics, sciences and technics of the information and engineering domains) with the laboratories LAPLACE (Plasma laboratory and energy conversion), LAAS (Laboratory of architecture and analyze of the systems) , ICA (Clément Ader Institute) and IRIT ( Toulouse Institute for research in computer science)

The SDM Cluster (Sciences of the matter), with the laboratories CIRIMAT (inter-university center for research and engineering of the materials) and CEMES (Center for materials development and structural studies).

Without being exhaustive, in these different units, fundamental and applied research activities are developed in the aeronautical and space field, centered on the study of structures, systems and mechanical processes, but also on metals and alloys, under different forms, from conception to their behavior in aeronautical service. Some units are involved in the field of space, remote sensing, space and earth observation and sensors. Finally, research on embedded systems is concerned with the design, control and diagnosis of electrical components and their dependability.


The Institute of Research in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 5277) of the CNRS and the University of Toulouse III Paul Sabatier (member of the COMUE Federal University of Toulouse Midi Pyrenees).

The scientific objectives of IRAP concern the study and understanding of the Universe and its content: the Earth as a planet, its ionized space environment, the sun and its planets, the stars and their planetary systems, the environment interstellar, galaxies, the very first stars and the primordial Big Bang.

With a staff of qualified technical personnel in the field of design, construction, integration and operation of instruments on the ground and in space as well as laboratory experiments to characterize the physical processes, the IRAP is one of the major centers of ground-space astrophysics in France.


ONERA (National Office for Aerospace Studies and Research) is the leading French player in technological research in aeronautics, space and defense.
Its mission is to develop and guide research in the aerospace field; to implement the means necessary for carrying out such research; to ensure that the results of this research are disseminated nationally and internationally, to promote their exploitation by the aerospace industry and to facilitate their possible application outside the aerospace field.
In these various capacities, it is responsible in particular:
• To carry out itself or to make, on its initiative or at the request, any studies and research interesting to the aerospace industry
• To develop test and computing facilities for the benefit of research and the aerospace industry and implement them
• To ensure relation with french, foreign and international organizations whose activity can contribute to the advancement of aerospace research
• To ensure the dissemination and exploitation of the results obtained, in particular by publications, patents, operating licenses
• To promote the launch or development of initiatives relevant to research or the aerospace industry
• To assist, as an expert and on demand, the official bodies and services
• To support the research training and research policy
In liaison with the National Center for Space Studies, and through numerous national and international collaborations (CSUT, ADS, DLR …), it contributes to research and experimental achievements in the space field.
ONERA employs around 2,000 people, including more than 300 doctoral and post-doctoral students. It has test platforms, investigative and characterization capabilities, unique demonstrators in Europe, and proprietary computing resources (NEC Supercomputer, 667 peak Tflops, 17360 cores, present in the top 500).


LAAS-CNRS is a CNRS own laboratory (UPR 8001) which employs around 700 people, including 200 permanent researchers or teacher-researchers. The researchers are divided into 26 teams, which are the operational units, and 8 departments which each correspond to the main scientific disciplines: critical IT, networks and communications, robotics, decision and optimization, energy management, technology and instrumentation for complex systems, micro and nano bio-technologies, microwaves and optics. LAAS researchers have the support of engineers and technicians in the laboratory and benefit from the means of two large platforms, the technological platform (1,500 m2 of clean room) and the characterization platform (1,200 m2 of multidisciplinary experiments).
At the beginning of 2017, the LAAS management created the transverse “Space” axis, with the aim of federating the multidisciplinary activities of LAAS in the field of space systems. One of the most treated application themes within this axis is that of space telecommunications, which is evolving both in terms of hardware technologies as communication protocols or physical media for networks (satellite constellations). Another essential theme is that of reliability, again both in terms of hardware and software, at both component and system level. Sensors and metrology for space are part of our thematics, with the aim of better integrating devices to embed them on ever smaller platforms, such as nanosatellites. Finally, trajectory calculation, management of the space meeting or even the optimization of tasks for satellites or space probes are issues at the heart of our research subjects.


ENAC, ‘École Nationale de l’Aviation Civile’ (National School of Civil Aviation), the school of DGAC, ‘Direction Générale de l’Aviation Civile’ (Directorate General of Civil Aviation), under the supervision of ‘Ministère de la Transition écologique et solidaire’ (Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition), brings together training and research activities in aeronautical engineering, air navigation and aircraft piloting.
Each year ENAC welcomes more than 2,000 students in over 30 training programs and 3,500 trainees for continuing education.
Proof of its international influence, its 24,000 alumni meet in a hundred countries and on 5 continents.
By its size, human and educational resources, ENAC is today a major player in aeronautical training worldwide.


ENSEEIHT (N7) aims to train engineers with strong scientific and technical skills in the fields of energy, digital and environmental domains. The N7 engineer is positioning itself on scientific and technological innovation to meet the two major challenges of the digital revolution and the energy transition. Wanted by companies, the N7 engineer is able to develop complex systems specific to his specialty. Very versatile, he is able to assume management responsibilities in a national and international context. His versatility and expertise open up a wide variety of professions, promising him great prospects for development in industry and research.
A great, forward-looking school with innovation issues, N7 relies on Toulouse’s industrial, economic and cultural dynamism to train engineers capable of integrating into all types of companies, in France and around the world. While Toulouse’s global reputation in aeronautics and space is well established, the city and its region are also at the forefront of innovation in sectors such as the internet of objects, the autonomous connected vehicle, the smart city, or sustainable development, to name a few. This innovation is fostered by the rich network of all its higher education and research institutions, and its industrial network, ranging from numerous startups to large international groups, which stimulates exchanges and cooperation. It is in this particularly fertile environment that N7 has built its own reputation and offers an ever-evolving training offer. The engineering training is structured in 3 departments: EEEA (Electronics, Electrical and Automatic Energy), MFEE (Fluid Mechanics, Energy and Environment), SN (Digital Science).
N7 is an actor in the life of the CSUT by integrating teaching and project units in its curriculum in direct connection with the various programmes of the CSUT. For example, the MFEE department offers its third-year students to work on thermal modeling of cubesat as part of Study Offices. The EEEA department offers a specific Nanosat EU of 64 hours to its students at the 2 year or 3 year to deal with the problems of electronics (analog, digital, RF) and energy management of payloads in the context of projects and design office in partnership with the managers of the Cubesat programs. These activities bring together about 100 students per year. Finally, the N7 has recently invested itself in the development of the Platform business, which unites all the skills developed within the three training departments, and allows the various players of the CSUT to master the entire cubesat design process.



U-Space provides complete space system service based on CubeSats 3U and 6U. Our business core is system engineering. We provide complete solutions fully tailored to our customers’ needs upon which they can build high added value business services.

Our offerings are built on a great legacy of our work over the past 5 years at CNES where we have developed and implemented some of the last years best innovations in the world.

We buy equipment from the best suppliers in the world in order to ensure the highest quality and performance for our final products.


NEXEYA is one of the top three European suppliers of sandwich panels, MLIs, satellite harnesses (instrument, payload, platform) and launcher harnesses (Ariane), battery packaging, and SCOE and OECO test benches.

NEXEYA also develops its own range of nano-satellites, call HEMERIA giving non-technical professionals fast, competitive and effective access to space. NEXEYA is offering a range of small highly reliable platforms (from 6U to 27U), from 10kg to 40kg

Whatever the project, NEXEYA’s teams work in an environment suited to the constraints and standards of the space sector. With over 2000m² of integrated cleanrooms (ISO 8) and expert teams with extensive knowledge and solid practical experience of the codes and standards of ECSS, RNC, NASA, MIL and ARIANESPACE, NEXEYA is committed to its customers’ success.


Our 40-year experience has made us a significant player in the space industry, in which our primary market includes space mechanisms and electric propulsion. We have implemented a competitive industrial facility, associated with innovative, flexible R&D teams. Among our ambitions, we want to become the European leader of micropropulsion by developing a disruptive, cheaper, mass-produced technonology.


Since 1994, MECANO ID has been supporting its customers in the development of predominantly mechanical and thermal systems subjected to harsh environments. Driven by the technological excellence of its engineering activities, of composite manufacturing and environmental testing, it brings its know-how to the space sectors.

For this sector of activity, MECANO ID designs, manufactures and qualifies equipment, instruments and structures embarked on launchers and satellites for telecommunications, science, observation and exploration.

The team of 100 people is located in Toulouse in dedicated premises of 3000 m2 bringing together engineering, simulation, manufacturing and cleanroom integration capabilities as well as a laboratory for testing mechanical and thermal environments: vibrations, shocks, climatic and thermal vacuum.

Thus, MECANO ID has all the necessary skills to support its customers, from the definition of the specifications to the delivery of the qualified system, after environmental tests.


ALTEN, world leader in Engineering and IT Services, present in more than 30 countries and with more than 54,100 employees.
For 35 years, ALTEN has been supporting its clients’ development strategy in the areas of

  • Innovation
  • R&D
  • Technological information systems.

The Group has established itself as a world leader in Engineering and IT Services, covering the entire product development cycle on technological projects, by working with major players in the following sectors:

  • Aeronautics & Space
  • Defense, Security & Naval
  • Automotive & Rail
  • Energy
  • Life Sciences
  • Industrial & electronic equipment
  • Telecoms
  • Banking, Finance & Insurance
  • Retail, Services, Media & Public Sector.

ALTEN Innovation: at the service of its customers and the planet.

Societal, environmental and industrial challenges are constantly increasing in a world that must be more sustainable, safer, while providing everyone with products and services adapted to needs and always more efficient.
In terms of innovation, ALTEN offers a unique, multidisciplinary and multisectoral field of investigation to all its consultants, combining both engineering professions with those of digital and business services. Supervised by technical and scientific experts and specialists, they build innovative value propositions within ALTEN Labs that combine these different areas of expertise:

  • Data Science
  • Industry 4.0
  • Cloud & DevOps
  • Networks & Telecoms
  • Supply Chain
  • Image processing and multiphysics modeling
  • Quality
  • Cybersecurity
  • Artificial Intelligence, embedded software & robotics

In order to accelerate innovation in its various areas of strategic expertise, ALTEN also surrounds itself with innovative partners, themselves experts in their scientific, technological and/or academic fields.
Thus, the SMART DIGITAL initiative gives ALTEN a head start thanks to 9 main research programs on transversal themes, which cover all its sectors of intervention and always perfectly adapted to the problems of its customers.
ALTEN Labs currently brings together 100 permanent staff, more than 10 PhD students in scientific theses and 350 rotating ETP consultants, with a growth dynamic of 5 to 10% per year.
They are also a reflection of the Group’s eco-responsible approach, which translates into increased demand: in 2022, ALTEN dedicated 25% of its activities to sustainable innovation, and this percentage is growing year after year.